Taylor | Class of 2020 | John F. Kennedy Catholic School Taylor had some great ideas for her session and wanted something modern yet different. We went with an editorial style studio shoot in the end, and I couldn’t have loved it more! Her session is as nontraditional as they come and really allowed her […]
Ashley | John F. Kennedy Catholic High School For Ashley’s urban senior photo session, we were initially thinking downtown Youngstown. It’s a great location with endless photo possibilities. Cool. After her consult, I kept thinking I could do better. Based on the elements she wanted to incorporate and the characteristics I wanted to highlight, Youngstown […]
Sarah | Class of 2020 Boardman High School We ran around downtown Warren for Sarah’s session to get some nontraditional senior photos. Sarah has this super chill vibe & style that reminds me of a SoCal girl but also very on trend. The goal for her shoot was to capture that vibe and create a […]